Learning Support
At Panyathip British International School, we believe in creating well-rounded students. To this end, we ensure that our secondary ECA programme complements our regular curriculum by offering students an opportunity to explore their existing passions or to find new ones.
Extra-curricular activities
Early Years
Each semester, we offer a variety of fun-filled, play-based, and exciting extracurricular learning activities to enhance our after-school provision. These activities are created to enhance learning by providing alternatives to the usual class-based activities. It is important to note that there is a non-academic focus, and instead, we focus on providing opportunities such as ‘Little Chefs,' ‘Pottery,' ‘Art and Craft,' and ‘Dance Club.' After a long and busy day for our students, we feel that it is very important that any ECA offered is fun-filled and action-packed and that they will go home wanting more and wanting to tell their parents all about it.
A variety of initiatives run alongside our academic curriculum to enhance the personal development of our students.
Primary School
The Primary School has an impressive reputation for sporting fixtures within the Vientiane School Sports Association. Our membership in COBIS and FOBISIA enables us to join different local and international competitions. Though there is a limited provision in Vientiane, the school ensures that students develop holistically and have enough experience in joining competitions such as Olympiads, sports fixtures, and literacy-based competitions.
The Primary Campus has a broad provision of extracurricular activities to support students' development as individuals, promote confidence and independence, and promote health and well-being. The clubs are divided into academic (language, STEAM, and science clubs) and creative (sporting, musical, and DIY clubs). Depending on the need, we welcome externally run clubs, provided that they agree and understand the safeguarding policy of the school.
Secondary School
At Panyathip British International Secondary School, we believe extracurricular activities are essential for students because they allow them to learn about themselves and their interests. They also help them develop skills that will help with their future careers and lives. They are also crucial for students because they allow them to make friends, improve their social skills and get involved in new activities that might not otherwise be accessible to them. They can also help students find their passion in life.
Taking part in extracurricular activities at school teaches life skills that aren’t always taught at home or in school, like how to accept failure even when you think you deserve it. Students have an opportunity through extracurricular activities at school to learn about teamwork, develop strong communication skills, experience what it feels like to stand on stage in front of an audience, learn time management and much more.
EaL (English as a second language program)
Panyathip British International School provides a pullout intervention for English language learners to boost English language skills to a level where academic performances become equivalent to those of other students of the same age and group.
At PBIS, ensuring students’ full accessibility to a high-quality and ambitious curriculum is one of our most important priorities. To ensure that identified students are given the best opportunity to make progress and close learning gaps, we have established an EAL learning programme that ensures all students are provided with the support they need.
Secondary School
In Secondary School, schemes of learning are in place for all subjects, though there is a degree of variation in the supporting materials. Lessons are planned with differentiation for all students to access the curriculum and make progress. EAL is a focus to develop for teachers to support their learners further in the classroom. Students are tested at entry when they apply for a place at the school. Based on the results, students are provided with either in-class support or the school provides EAL classes to support students who speak a language other than English as their first language.
Moreover, the school uses Education Perfect, a digital platform that provides flipped classes for students to learn at their own pace. The school offers a variety of resources and activities to help EAL students feel included and supported.
Our Focus
We focus on the primary skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing to increase accuracy and fluency and extend their vocabulary.
Our well-structured learning programme provides the following opportunities for our students:
- Supports them as they improve their English-speaking skills, including improvements made to their reading ability and an increase in their vocabulary skills and understanding.
- Allows students to be fully involved in their learning and ensures students know what they need to do to make progress.
- Allows students to close the gap in their learning and be better equipped to access the curriculum in the next academic year.